Kemendikbudristek Launches State College Entrance Selection System in 2023

NEWS-State colleges entrance selection system in 2023 will be held by the national selection team for new student admissions/tim Seleksi Nasional Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (SNPMB) for state colleges/Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN). This is based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 48 of 2022 concerning Admission of New Students for Diploma Programs and Undergraduate Programs at State Universities.
There are three pathways, namely the National Selection Based on Achievement/Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Prestasi (SNBP), the National Selection Based on the Test/Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Tes (SNBT), and the independent selection pathway/seleksi mandiri. SNBP and SNBT are fully prepared by the SNPMB team, while the independent selection pathway is fully managed by the respective PTNs. The SNBP path is carried out based on the results of tracking academic achievement. SNBP participants are grade 12 students who will graduate in 2023 and are free of charge for participation in the SNBP. The minimum quota for the SNBP path for each PTN is 20%.
For students who are eligible to register for SNBP, the report card grades will be inputted through the school and student data base/pangkalan data sekolah dan siswa (PDSS). Furthermore, students who have passed the 2023 SNBP are like students who have passed the national selection to enter state colleges/seleksi nasional masuk perguruan tinggi negeri (SNMPTN) in 2021 and 2022, are not allowed to take the computer-based writing examination/ujian tulis berbasis komputer (UTBK) in 2023.
SNBT participants must take part in the UTBK held by the PTN UTBK Center. Participants are only allowed to take part in the UTBK once. To take part in UTBK, a registration fee is charged. Prospective participants who can take part in the 2023 SNBT are students graduating in 2021, 2022, and 2023. The UTBK results only apply to registering for the 2023 SNBT. The SNBT selection mechanism is carried out based on the UTBK results and can be supplemented with other criteria in accordance with the provisions set by PTN.
The implementation of the 2023 SNPMB begins with registration for the SNPMB account on the SNPMB Portal (, starting activities for filling in the PDSS, SNBP registration, and UTBK-SNBT registration. Registrants are required to have a SNPMB-BPPP account via Single Sign On (SSO). SNPMB account registration will be held on January 14-February 15, 2023. This registration is specifically for 2023 graduates who will take part in SNBP.
Further, the determination of eligible students by schools will be held on 3 January–8 February 2023; PDSS filling January 9–February 9 2023; and registration for SNBP 14–28 February 2023. Announcement of SNBP results is scheduled for 28 March 2023, while the schedule for re-registration of participants who pass the SNBP can be seen on the recipient PTN page.
The SNBT stage begins with registration for an SNPMB account on 16 February–3 March 2023. Registration for UTBK and SNBT on 23 March–14 April 2023. Implementation of UTBK is carried out in two batches, namely Batch 1 on 8–14 May 2023 and Batch 2 on 22 –28 May 2023. Announcement of the results of the SNBT pathway selection is scheduled for June 20, 2023. Applicants for the 2023 SNPMB from economically disadvantaged families can apply for tuition assistance for the Indonesian smart college card/kartu Indonesia pintar kuliah (KIP Kuliah) scheme. Detailed information can be seen on the education financing service center page at
Source: Kemendikbudristek.
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