Kajati Strengthens ZI WBK Declaration Towards ZI WBBM, Polibatam Holds Workshop on Corruption Crime Prevention: Polibatam and Perjasa Cooperation

POLIBATAM: At the end of 2022, Polibatam, which previously had the status of a State College/Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) Working Unit/Satuan Kerja (SatKer), changed to PTN Public Service Agency/Badan Layanan Umum (PTN-BLU). In 2021, Polibatam received the ZI–Free from Corruption Area/Wilayah Bebas dari Korupsi (ZI-WBK) title from the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform/Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (MENPAN RB). Currently, only 3 Polytechnics in Indonesia have that title, including Polibatam.
Of course, with the transformation of the Public Service Agency Financial Management Pattern/Pola Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum (PPK BLU) to be more flexible and autonomous, this must be accompanied by a better quality of service in the future. That is what motivated Polibatam to apply to become an institution that has increased its integrity from ZI WBK to the title of Zone of Integrity for Clean Service Bureaucratic Regions/Zona Integritas Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih Melayanan (ZI WBBM) and is the only state Polytechnic to apply for this title this year.
The declaration of the endeavor to obtain this title started last year, in June 2022, to be precise. Signing an integrity pact towards ZI WBBM from all leaders and heads of work units within the Polibatam environment marked it.
Various initiatives were undertaken to meet the requirements for submission as a WBBM ZI Institution. We were starting by improving service quality, increasing HR professionalism, improving infrastructure facilities, conducting socialization regarding ZI WBBM, internalizing organizational values, increasing awareness to provide the best service, and implementing various good practices in organizing a clean serving bureaucracy.
One of the series of initiatives is to hold a debriefing and refreshment workshop for work unit heads, service managers, and financial managers in the Polibatam work environment in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Prosecutors/Persatuan Jaksa Indonesia for the Riau Islands Region (Perjasa Kepri) regarding the Prevention of Corruption Crimes at the BLU at Polibatam, Friday (12/5/2023). The source was the Head of the Riau Islands High Prosecutors/Kajati, Dr. Rudi Margono, SH., M.Hum. The discussion was continued with the civitas academica moderated by the Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Prosecutors for the Riau Islands Region, Dr. Lambok MJ Sidabutar.
Accompanied by the Director of Polibatam, Uuf Brajawidagda, ST., MT., Ph.D., and the Deputy Directors of Polibatam, Kajati presented introductory material on the functions of the prosecutor’s office and actions classified as acts of corruption and their negative impacts. The discussion followed a question and answer session with all workshop participants. On this occasion, Kajati also motivated the academic communities, work unit heads, service managers, and financial managers in the Polibatam work environment to prevent the development of corrupt attitudes and actions, reject and report all forms of gratuity, report wealth honestly, and carry out duties and functions following applicable regulations.
Lecturers are also expected to spread the spirit of anti-corruption to students and the entire academic community. The workshop, which was held in the meeting room on the 3rd floor of the Technopreneur Building, was continued by observing the field, looking at the learning facilities at Polibatam, which were oriented towards meeting industrial needs and supporting increased competitiveness of prospective Polibatam graduates.
“I am delighted to be invited to this event, and the venue is very modern. This is one of the proofs that Polibatam is adaptive in the changing times,” said Rudi.
Rudi added that to prevent acts of corruption, the Attorney General’s Office cannot stand alone. It requires the cooperation of all stakeholders and community participation. Campuses must increase character education for students regarding anti-corruption education and honesty in every subject.
Reporter: Suprizal Tanjung
Source: Batam Pos
#Polibatam #PTN-BLU #ZI-WBK #ZI-WBBM