Independent Student Exchange Maintain the Beauty of Bahagia Beach Batam, Cleaning the Beach is the Final Activity of the Polibatam PMM-3 Nusantara Module

POLIBATAM-Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) successfully held a beach clean-up event at Bahagia Beach on 9 December 2023. This event was part of the commitment of Independent Student Exchange/Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) participants to preserve the environment. This event was a real effort by PMM-3 students to maintain the beach’s beauty and educate the public about the importance of preserving the marine environment. Eli as the manager of Bahagia Beach Batam welcomed this agenda.
With the spirit of cooperation, PMM-3 students (Independent Student Exchange Representatives of Universities and Polytechnics throughout Indonesia) and volunteers from various levels of the Nongsa community collected 1 ton of plastic and non-plastic waste from along Bahagia beach. This event involved 155 participants who enthusiastically participated in cleaning the beach area and collecting scattered rubbish.
Not just cleaning the beach, PMM-3 also put up signs saying Welcome to Bahagia Beach, put up cleanliness slogans at several points and built permanent rubbish bins. This event also aims to provide the public with an understanding of the negative impact of plastic waste on marine ecosystems. Through social contribution activities, PMM-3 lecturers and students hope to increase public awareness of the importance of responsible waste management.
Nusantara Module supervisors (Slamet Soebagiyo, Nidia Yuniarsih, Arta Uly Siahaan, Desi Ratna Sari, Eka Mutia Lubis, and Feby) said, “We are very grateful to see the enthusiasm of PMM-3 students and the extraordinary support from the local community. Together, we can create positive change and keep beaches clean for future generations.”
This event is the final part of a series of Nusantara Module activities. Haerul, the Head of the PMM-3 Tribe when covered, said, “We are committed to continuing to play an active role in preserving Indonesia’s natural beauty and providing a positive impact on society and we also thank all parties who have participated, supported and donated their time to the event clean this beach. Together, we can achieve real change to safeguard our marine environment.”
#Polibatam #PMM-3 #BahagiaBeach #NusantaraModule