Increasing Campus Publications, Polibatam Public Relations Holds Website Management and Journalism Training

POLIBATAM-The Batam State Polytechnic Public Relations Team (Polibatam) held Website Management and Journalism Training for representatives of all units on Friday, 3 November 2023, at the Harris Batam Center Hotel.
This training was held to improve the skills in managing websites and journalism for the management team from each unit or department at Polibatam. In the Website Management training, a resource person, Noper Ardi, S.Pd., M.Eng, also a lecturer at the Cyber Security Engineering Study Program at Polibatam, was presented. Meanwhile, Journalism Training presented Muhammad Riza Fahlevi, a Batam City Communication and Information Strategy Consultant.
In his speech, Deputy Director 2, Bambang Hendrawan, ST., MSM., said, “In the current era, websites have an important role in introducing the face of our institution to the public. The website must be well managed and updated to be interesting and provide the information the public needs.”
“Hopefully, this training will be useful in managing websites in each unit or department and can improve writing skills following journalist standards,” added Bambang. “This training aims to increase the participants’ knowledge in managing media, especially websites, as well as presenting better journalistic work,” explained the Chief Executive, Sri Puji Lestari.
“In managing a website, apart from skills related to website programming, SEO and knowledge about data security are also required. So website managers must also be careful in maintaining data”, explained Noper.
Meanwhile, in his presentation, Riza not only discussed journalism but also explained how the mass media map is in this digital era, as well as overcoming the situation in the post-truth era, which creates a flood of information, especially on social media.
“We are currently in an era where we are flooded with information but thirsty for facts. “That’s why we have to be aware and alert so that we don’t drown as a result of being swept away by the current,” said Riza.
Hopefully, with this training, website managers on the Polibatam campus can increase their knowledge and improve website management.
Greetings Polibatam
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