Healthy Walk with Polibatam Campus Academic Community, in the Context of Freedom Learning Month for National Education Day

POLIBATAM: To enliven Freedom Learning Month to commemorate National Education Day, Polibatam held a Healthy Walk for the Academic Community.
The weather was sunny on Sunday, 14 May 2023, witnessing Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) celebrating National Education Day. Polibatam, which is the only state college/Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) in the city of Batam and PTN which has implemented the Freedom to Learn program, of course, is very enthusiastic about holding the healthy walk event, which consists of leisure walks, Zumba gymnastics and is closed by giving Doorprize to all participants.
Participants consisted of staff and lecturers and their families, students, and others; around 1200 participants enlivened the healthy walk. The event began with a leisurely walk around the Polibatam campus, then the mandate and presentation of the performance achievements of the Freedom Learning program from the Director of Polibatam, Uuf Brajawidagda. Also attended were the Deputy Directors of Polibatam and other structural members.
“I am delighted, my friends and family, younger students have also enlivened this National Education Day activity and the Freedom Learning program. Some performance achievements, of course, Polibatam will continue to improve so that lecturers and students can have freedom of expression and think in learning,” said Uuf.
#POlibatam #Hardiknas #HealthyWalk