Ceremonial Handover of Polybatam PBL Products to PT. Sumitomo Wiring Systems Batam

NEWS-Vocational colleges are currently actively implementing learning methods using Product/Project/Problem-Based Learning, commonly abbreviated as PBL. Until now, Politeknik Negeri Batam has been implementing this method for the past few years. The Technopreneur Center building, which is the basis for the PBL learning method for students, is the ceremonial place for the handover of products that Polibatam students have worked on.
One of Polibatam’s industrial partners, namely PT. Sumitomo Wiring Systems Batam is one of the clients where the positive impact of the PBL learning method is applied in Polibatam. With a total of 6 products prepared by Polibatam, legally given to PT. Sumitomo on Friday, September 9, 2022, at the Technopreneur Center Building.
Adapun 6 produk tersebut yaitu:
- Building AR Learning Assembly
- Sumitomo Lifter Machine Project
- K3 Animation Video
- Animation Video of Tutorial Training New Employee
- Training Information System of New Employee Project
- Automation for Wire Selection Project Team
At this event, PT Sumitomo Wiring Systems Batam was represented directly by the President Director from Japan, Michimasa Noro, and was attended by the management and staff of PT. Sumitomo Wiring Systems. Meanwhile, Polibatam was represented by Deputy Director 1 of the Academic Division, Ahmad Riyad Firdaus, Ph.D.
After the product handover event, the officials and staff of PT. Sumitomo Wiring Systems also took the time to see the lessons in the Robotics Engineering Laboratory (BRAIL) Polibatam. Several projects carried out by students have also made the President Director of PT. Sumitomo Wiring Systems was interested.
#Polibatam #PTSumitomoWiringSystemsBatam #PBL #Vocation