Gastya Eka Putra, Polibatam Student of Multimedia and Network Engineering, Presents the 2022 Vocational Masterpiece in front of Minister of Education and Technology, Nadiem Makariem

NEWS-The commemoration of the 2022 National Technology Awakening Day or Hari Kebangkitan Teknologi Nasional (Hakteknas) with the theme “Educational Transformation and Innovation through Technology” was held on Wednesday, August 10, 2022. The Vocational Masterpiece brings two important messages to its audience, i.e., that vocations have a myriad of achievements and innovations and are skilled in using the latest technology according to industry needs. Vocational Masterpieces are a new way for vocational education to showcase the best work from its educational units, including the SMK Center for Excellence and also the Vocational Independent Campus.
Riwinoto, M.T. and Gastya Eka Putra, Polibatam Multimedia Engineering student accompanied Minister Nadiem for the virtual reality (VR) Vokasiland at the Hakteknas 2022 event. The VR featured 10 vocational masterpieces. The Vocational Masterpieces were developed with the concept of gaming. The result of the collaboration with Polibatam is for the gameplay, with ISBI Bandung for the sound, and SMK RUS Kudus for the animation assets.
Good collaboration between educational units can produce 200 Vocational Masterpieces that have been featured in this Hakteknas 2022.
Greetings Polibatam…
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#Polibatam #Hakteknas2022 #Vocation