Exploring Student Exchange, Polibatam Received a Visit from the CEO of Republic Polytechnic Singapore

NEWS-Polibatam received a visit from the CEO of Republic Polytechnic (RP), Singapore, Yeo Li Pheow, and the team Soh Lai Seng, the Director of School of Engineering, and Jason Tey, Office of International Relations. The RP delegation was received by the Director of Polibatam, Uuf Brajawidagda, in the Brail Meeting Room (Robotics Lab), Polibatam, Wednesday (07/09/2022). In addition, Priyono Eko Sanyoto (AMTO Manager), Hanifah Widiastuti (The Chair of the Career and Character Development Center), Sapto (the Head of the Mechanical Department), Selly Arteta Zega (the Head of Animation Study Program), and the Polibatam Cooperation Team were also present. The purpose of this visit is to explore student exchange cooperation, especially in the fields of Aerospace and Robotics.
Yeo Li Pheow was amazed at the facilities and Polibatam students’ works and was very interested in collaborating soon. It is planned that the student exchange will be held in January 2023 for students in the field of Aerospace. In addition, on this occasion, Polibatam showed the Polibatam animation students’ work entitled Ficusia. Later the RP will introduce Polibatam animation study program with the team from the School of Technology for the Arts at RP.
The result of the visit was that both parties agreed to cooperate through an MoU which would later be ratified on a desk-to-desk basis by the two institutions.
Greetings Polibatam…
#Polibatam #RepublicPolytechnicSingapore #Collabor