Educational Transformation Prepares Excellent Human Resources for the Future Workforce

News – Amid the COVID-19 pandemic situation, various sectors have encountered obstacles and challenges, including the education sector. Iwan Syahril, Director General of Teachers and Education Staff, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) as the Chair of G20 Education Working Group (EdWG) in a talk entitled “Quality Education in Facing the Future of the World of Work” conducted online last Thursday (23/6), said that in fact, learning had experienced a crisis since before the COVID-19 pandemic hit and was made worse by the pandemic. However, the COVID-19 pandemic also presents a number of opportunities.
One of these opportunities, said Iwan, is how the pandemic changes behavior, especially in adopting technology. Iwan continued that at the same time, there were groups that were left behind due to the technological gap in accessing education.
“We see that the role of technology in education is very important, but it does not replace the role of human resources. Since the beginning, President Joko Widodo has assigned the Ministry of Education and Culture to take advantage of the role of technology in solving problems of access, quality, and equity in our education. Therefore, we are holding the G20 EdWG 2022 forum so that G20 countries can work together to face this challenge together,” he said.
Through a joint talk with Maudy Ayunda as Spokesperson for the G20 Presidency of Indonesia, Iwan Syahril also discussed the solutions presented by the Ministry of Education and Culture in facing challenges in the world of education, especially during the pandemic. The head of the EdWG G20 also said, “As one of the priority agendas in this year’s EdWG, the future of the world of work after COVID-19 is important in the world of education. An education system is needed that is able to create human resources who are ready to enter the workforce. This preparation is done by how we carry out learning recovery,” he said.
“Before the pandemic, Indonesia had already transformed learning by changing the National Examination into a National Assessment that focused more on basic competencies, i.e. literacy, numeracy, and character. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Culture has also simplified the curriculum which has been proven to have a greater learning impact for students,” added Iwan.
In this session, Iwan also emphasized that through the breakthrough of Freedom Learning Freedom Campus, Kemendikbudristek is committed to opening up opportunities for Indonesian students to continue to actively and competitively participate in higher education. “We believe, to improve soft skills that are required in the world of work, it cannot only be obtained from the classroom. It is very important to interpret the theory that is obtained directly in the field,” said Iwan.
As one of the public figures who has a master’s degree in education, Maudy Ayunda said that the breakthrough of Freedom Learning Freedom Campus can prepare the next generation to show their skills in the field of work. “Therefore, through Freedom Learning Freedom Campus, all individuals can show their strengths even more. Each of us needs to have a characteristic or unique selling point. Because the world of work in the future is no longer uniformity, but there are various skills,” added Maudy.
In the EdWG G20 Indonesia forum, the Ministry of Education and Culture brought up four priority issues include Quality Education for All, Digital Technology in Education, Solidarity and Partnership, and the Future of the World of Work Post COVID-19. After carrying out the 2nd EdWG G20 agenda last June in Bandung, the EdWG G20 delegates managed to unite their voices on the importance of mutual cooperation-based transformation for the restoration of education. In the agenda, the breakthroughs of Freedom Learning were raised at the EdWG meeting as instances of good practices that are the pillars of mutual cooperation in the transformation of education in Indonesia, as well as the basis for the G20 education priority agenda.
Source: Biro Kerja Sama dan Hubungan Masyarakat, Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi
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