Do You Want a Career in the Field of Power Plant and Electricity? Polibatam RPE Engineering Study Program Can Be an Option

POLIBATAM-The field of energy and electricity is an applied science that is promising enough to be pursued as a profession. If you are interested in a career in the field of power generation and electricity, the Applied Bachelor of Energy Generation Engineering Study Program, Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam), can be an option.
The Head of the RPE Study Program, Fauzun Atabiq, said that the opening of the Polibatam applied bachelor of RPE Engineering program started with efforts to meet the demand for workers in the power generation and electricity sector in the Batam area, Riau Islands. “So, the Applied bachelor of Energy Generation Engineering Study Program at Polibatam has been opened since 2019,” said Fauzun.
Every year, Polibatam opens 3 (three) classes for study programs that will produce energy generation and electricity experts. The classes opened are two morning classes and one evening class which are intended for employees. According to Fauzun, in the course of development, demand from the industry regarding the need for skilled workers in the field of energy generation and electricity in Batam and the Riau Islands is showing positive things. However, so far the campus has not planned to add new classes. “We realize that with limited resources, so far the RPE Study Program has only received three classes, two morning classes and one employee class (evening class),” said Fauzun.
To ensure the students’ competence, Polibatam has collaborated with many partners to work together. Cooperation is not only carried out with industries in the Batam area but also with industries outside Batam. “Indeed, for official collaboration at this time, some of it has not been realized in the form of an MoU or SPK. However, cooperation has been established with several industries since the RPE study program was opened, such as the collaboration with PT MEDCO Energi Indonesia,” said Fauzun.
Other industries that are direct partners of the Polibatam RPE Study Program are PT PLN Bright Batam, PT Ecogreen Oleochemical Batam, PT Energi Listrik Batam, PT Mitra Energi Batam, PT Maxpower Cogindo Batam, PT Bintan Alumina Indonesia, PT Batamindo, PT Citra Tubindo, PT Mac Dermort , and PT Sinergy Oil Batam. Several forms of cooperation that have been established so far include the involvement of lecturers who practice industry teaching at the Polibatam RPE Study Program, student study placements and one-year internships in industry, general seminar activities, and graduate recruitment.
“For instance, in 2022/2023 students of the first batch of the RPE Study Program have been deployed in the power generation industries in Batam and Bintan to be apprenticed for one year studying in the industry in the independent MBKM program so that when they graduate they are truly ready to use and skilled with their scientific fields,” said Fauzun.
To study at the Polibatam RPE Study Program, there are many admissions pathways that prospective students can take, such as the SNBT/SNBP (Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Tes/Prestasi or National Selection Based on Tests/Achievements), UMPB (Ujian Masuk Polibatam/Polibatam Entrance Examination), PMDK, Affirmation, and RPL (Rekognisi Pembelajaran Lampu/Past Learning Recognition) Lights or Switch Levels/Alih Jenjang).
“In fact, this study program is more prioritized for graduates from SMA IPA, or graduates from SMK majoring in Electrical Engineering. Even so, not a few students in the Polibatam RPE Study Program come from non-IPA/SMK, such as from MAN. However, they can also survive in their lectures. Interested?
(Polibatam/Nan/Nur Arifin)
#Polibatam #RPE #Vocation #Electricity