Batam Youth and Sports Office Visits Polibatam to Explore Cooperation

NEWS-The visit of the Youth and Sports Office, meaning Dinas Kepemudaan dan Olahraga (Dispora) of the Batam City Government to the Batam State Polytechnic (Polibatam) campus was held on Wednesday, June 8, 2022. On this visit, the Head of Batam City Dispora, Mr. Zulkarnain, S.ST. together with the Secretary of Batam City Dispora M Tahir, S.IP. Also present were the Head of Sports, the Head of Youth, the Education Section for HR coaching, and the Youth Leadership Section.
During this visit, the Director of Polibatam, Uuf Brajawidagda, Deputy Director 3 (Dr. Muhammad Zaenuddin), and the Head of Shilau Polibatam, Muslim Ansori. This audience for the Batam City Government Youth and Sports Office aims to make a success of the program at the Batam City Government Dispora in 2022. On this occasion, Polibatam is also ready to cooperate with the Batam City Government Youth and Sports Office.
Polibatam is ready to collaborate with the Batam City Dispora in the context of developing human resources, especially young people in Batam. The Head of Dispora and his entourage also directly participated in observing the online Robot competition which was being followed by the Polibatam Robotic Team at the Polibatam Robotic Workshop. This also shows how the potential of youth in Batam City can compete in Robot competitions at regional, national, and international levels.
#Polibatam #Dispora #Cooperation