Ficusia–Batik Girl Animation Series Created by Polibatam will be Screened in Sydney & Melbourne Australia

Ficusia–Batik Girl Animation Series Created by Polibatam will be Screened in Sydney & Melbourne Australia

Ficusia–Batik Girl Animation Series is the work of learning activities at Polibatam in collaboration with Cinderella from Indonesia which is supported through the Vocational Matching Fund activity–Ministry of Education and…

The Inauguration of the Riau Islands MKI at Polibatam Campus: Uuf Brajawidagda, Ph.D. Becomes the Chairperson of the Riau Islands MKI for the 2022-2026 period

The Inauguration of the Riau Islands MKI at Polibatam Campus: Uuf Brajawidagda, Ph.D. Becomes the Chairperson of the Riau Islands MKI for the 2022-2026 period

NEWS-Polibatam Campus is the location for the Inauguration of the Indonesian Electricity Society/Masyarakat Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia (MKI) for the Riau Islands region for the 2022-2026 period of service. The event was…