APBN Debate Competition 2022

NFO-Hi #SobatPolibatam and #SahabatDikbud, the Ministry of Finance invites all active D3/D4/S1 students in Indonesia to take part in the 2022 APBN Debate Competition.
#SahabatDikbud are challenged, to give the best ideas and compete with other participants!
The theme of this competition is “State Budget (APBN) Policy Facing Rising Prices of Food and Energy Commodities.” Each finalist is entitled to education funds, certificates, and trophies.
What are you waiting for? Register now and express your best ideas! For registration and further information, please access the following link: https://klc2.kemenkeu.go.id/debat_apbn

#Polibatam #APBN #Debate2022 #MinistryofFinance