About Polibatam
The year 1999 marked the start of preparations for the establishment of a Polytechnic in Batam. The journey of politeknik negeri Batam’s organizational transformation began in that year. Starting from the request of the Batam Authority (OB), which assigned Dr. Weny Aritenang and Dr. Purba Robert Sianipar to coordinate with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) through the Research and Industry Affiliation Institute (LAPI-ITB) […]
Vision & Mission
The vision of Polibatam is to become a new generation polytechnic that is quality, adaptive, innovative, and
partner closely with industry and society to support an Advanced and Prosperous Indonesia 2045.
The mission of Polibatam is to be active in the process of creating, disseminating and applying science and technology through vocational education and applied research that is quality, open, relevant, and in close collaboration with the community and industry by implementing good institutional governance for a better life for the nation.
Strategic Goals & Targets
- The realization of quality services, resources and outputs of learning and research, open access, innovative, relevant to the needs of industry and society.
- The realization of a transparent, accountable, productive and quality organization.
- Improved quality, access, relevance of services, resources and outputs of vocational learning.
- Improved the quality and relevance of research, publications, research results and the ability to apply science and technology.
- Increased transparency, accountability, productivity, environmental sustainability and organizational service quality.
Organization Structure
- Director
bambang hendrawan, st., msm., cpimp., ciscp. - Vice Director I for Academic Affairs
Ahmad Riyad Firdaus, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D. - Vice Director II for Planning, Finance, and General Affairs
Arniati, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D., Ak., CA., CPA. - Vice Director III for Student Affairs, Collaboration, and Alumni
Dr. Muhammad Zaenuddin, S.Si., M.Sc

Scope &
Performance Achievements
- Vocational Education Center : 4 Academic Departments 19 Study Programs
- Technopreneueship Development Center : 5 Center of Studies and 12 Applied Expertise Groups, Teaching Factory of Manufacture of Electronics, Teaching Industry of Multimedia & Animation, Teaching Production of Manufacture, Intellectual Property Center, ISE Investment Gallery, Tax Center
- Competency Assessment Center : Certified Profession Body, Authorized LabView Academy, Authorized Cisco Networking Academy, Engineering Construction Industry Training Board, Authorized Language Proficiency based on TOEIC & TOEFL-ITP
- Technopreneueship Development Center : Student Entrepreneurship Program, Business & Technology Incubator, Batam Technopark
- Training Center : Aircraft Maintenance Training Organization, Management & Business Training CenterIS & IT Training Center, Electronics & Electrical Training Center, Design & Engineering Training Center
Politeknik Negeri Batam Institution service performance implementing business process management based on Internal Quality Assurance System and ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System. All business processes and their completeness refer to the applicable Indonesian Rules and Regulations starting from the law to the Director’s Decree and proven best practices towards Good Governance (Transparent, Accountable, Responsible, Independent, Fair).