IISMA for Vocational 2023
POLIBATAM-Are you ready for International Mobility?Are you ready for IISMA for Vocational 2023? We’ll see you soon! visit: https://iisma.kemdikbud.go.id/ #Vocation #IISMAVO #Polibatam #Kemdikbud
POLIBATAM-Are you ready for International Mobility?Are you ready for IISMA for Vocational 2023? We’ll see you soon! visit: https://iisma.kemdikbud.go.id/ #Vocation #IISMAVO #Polibatam #Kemdikbud
POLIBATAM – To disseminate information about Polibatam, especially in terms of existing entry pathways, Polibatam held socialization by inviting high schools/vocational schools/equivalents with a total of 280 schools domiciled in…