COGC Workshop Day 3 : Knowledge Sharing on Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion Policy at COGC

COGC workshop Day 3: Knowledge sharing on gender equality, disability and social inclussion policy at COGC

Today is the final day of the workshop with the city of Glasgow College (COGC) team. this session was attended by Carla Gethin and Ranjith S from COGC as the speakers, Leo Hansen Simatupang from ILO, Polibatam lecturers, and students. In total, there were about 100 participants in this session. 

For approximately 2 hours, Carla and Ranjith shared their knowledge and experiences on gender equality, disability, and social inclusion policy at the City of Glasgow College. Carla stated that in Scotland, they have legislation that forces institutions to deliver a fair, just, and sustainable recovery for people. Carla also showed how COGC plans its student’s experience map, starting from how they build and maintain its brand reputation to students’ lifelong learning in COGC. Ranjith mentioned that to support students with additional needs, COGC has its management information system where students can add their mental or physical issues so lecturers will understand their condition while this information is confidential. 

This session ended with an active discussion with the participants. As this was an interesting topic, many students were asking questions and sharing their experiences regarding gender equality, disability, and social inclusion.

Batam, 25 Agustus 2022

Penulis Gabriella Stephanie Siregar