Riau Islands Bapenda Held Socialization and Counseling on Regional Tax Policy at the Polibatam Campus, Taxes for Development of the Riau Islands

POLIBATAM-The Regional Revenue Agency/Badan Pendapatan Daerah (Bapenda) of Riau Islands Province (Kepri) held Socialization and Counseling on Regional Tax Policy at the Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) campus on Wednesday, 27 September 2023 at the auditorium, 2nd floor of the main building.

This event featured speakers, including the Head of the Riau Islands Province Bapenda (Diky Wijaya, SE., M.Si), the Head of PT Jasa Raharja Riau Islands Branch (Mulyadi), and the Riau Islands Police Traffic Directorate (Ipda Linanda, S.H., M.H). This socialization event carried the theme “Taxes to Develop Riau Islands,” which was attended by Polibatam students.

On this occasion, the Head of Bapenda of the Riau Islands Province delivered material about the socialization of Riau Islands regional taxes for development in the Riau Islands, various tax facilities, Riau Islands tax information channels, and the Signal tax application or the National Digital Samsat Application. “Let us, all the people of the Riau Islands, always be obedient in managing motor vehicle taxes, title transfer fees, and other taxes. “All taxes that have been paid are a source of funds for the development of the Riau Islands Province, namely for building schools, alleviating poverty, improving health, and developing other infrastructure,” said Diky.

Another resource person from PT. Jasa Raharja Riau Islands Branch delivered by Mulyadi as the Head of PT. Jasa Raharja Riau Islands Branch. In his presentation, he delivered material about the duties and functions of Raharja services in accordance with Law No. 33 of 1964, the importance for motorized vehicle users to pay taxes and be protected by Raharja Services, and the role of students as traffic safety pioneers.

“There are still a lot of traffic accidents including land, sea and air, so we as students must be able to become traffic safety pioneers and must pay taxes and Jasa Raharja, if an accident occurs we can get compensation,” explained Mulyadi.

In the final presentation session, the resource person was from the Riau Islands Police Traffic Directorate, represented by IPDA Linanda, S.H., M.H. In her material, she conveyed the duties of the police regarding motorized vehicles, i.e., registering and identifying motorized vehicles. “One of the duties of the police is to register and identify motorized vehicles with the aim of providing legal protection and legitimacy, control tools, police forensics, and security services for vehicle owners,” said Nanda.

At this event, socialization was also provided regarding the SIGNAL application. It is a national digital Samsat application that makes it easier for Indonesian people to validate annual STNK, pay motor vehicle tax/pajak kendaran bermotor (PKB) and contribute to mandatory road traffic accident funds/sumbangan wajib dana kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan (SWDKLLJ) by issuing digital documents in the form of E-Attestation (POLRI), E-TBPKP ( Provincial Bapenda) and E-KD (PT. Jasa Raharja).

SIGNAL (Samsat Digital Nasional/National Digital Samsat) is an official application that is under the auspices and assistance of national-level Samsat supervisors, including POLRI, Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, and PT Jasa Raharja, supported by PT Beta Pasifik Indonesia as the digital platform developer.

With SIGNAL, you no longer need to come to the Samsat office to register yourself and your vehicle ownership data (private ownership/not a legal entity). Then, your annual STNK validation will be processed in just a few minutes without queueing or waiting. You can do everything via smartphone because the SIGNAL service is ONE STOP SERVICE.

At this event, participants also received souvenirs from the speakers for those who asked questions and those who could answer questions correctly from the speakers. Hopefully, with this socialization event, the role of students as the younger generation will be able to become a driving force so that they can be active in paying vehicle taxes and become pioneers of traffic safety in Batam City and the Riau Islands.
Greetings Polibatam

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