Diploma Program Through Micro-Credentials + RPL in Polibatam Business Management Department

Program Description

Micro Credential Program is an online short-term education scheme combined with diploma education.
• Each semester will be given a course certificate.
• Several education scheme packages will end with a competency test.
• For competent students will be given a competency certificate from the relevant Competency Certification Institution/Lembaga Sertifikasi Kompetensi (LSP). For competency units that are not yet competent, students will repeat only for units that are not yet competent.
• After the students complete the entire education scheme package and competency certification, Polibatam will carry out the process of converting the students into diploma program students through the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) mechanism. Furthermore, the students will take part in diploma program education by taking Diploma Program courses and then adding several courses.
• For students who successfully complete several additional courses will be graduated and are entitled to receive a Diploma III or Diploma IV certificate from Polibatam according to the student’s choice.


Benefits for Students

• Students have flexible study times and places that are not too tied to the daily lecture schedule on campus.
• The duration of Completing a package of competency education and certification schemes is flexible. Not plotting one package one semester rigidly. For students who can finish faster, it will be faster to complete their education than the regular study period.
• Students will receive a complete set of competency certificates from LSP, a diploma certificate, and the transcript.

Administered Education Programs
1. Micro Credential Diploma III in Accounting
2. Micro Credential Diploma IV of Managerial Accounting
3. Micro Credential Diploma IV of Applied Business Administration
4. Micro Credential Diploma IV of International Trade Logistics

For complete information about the Diploma Program through Micro-Credentials & RPL in the Business Management Department: please Download.
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For information hotline and registration, please call 0858-0537-0324