SNMPN 2022 Pathway has been Opened, Free Registration Fee
INFO-The SNMPN pathway is the Invitation Path selection which is intended for prospective participants/students who will continue their education at State Vocational Colleges or Polytechnic and State Politani throughout Indonesia. This selection pattern is contained in an integrated system and held simultaneously through the selection of students’ academic achievements during their education at the Senior High School in 2022. This selection has been officially opened on January 3, 2022.
Registration of prospective participants/students through the SNMPN pathway is free of charge inasmuch as all costs have been charged to the government budget. This SNMPN path also accommodates prospective participants/students who are accepted and come from economically weak families but have high academic achievements as participants in the Bidikmisi Scholarship program.
Complete information and procedures for registering the SNMPN pathway can be accessed by the school via the website by logging in using the username and password that will be given by the committee to each school and registering their best students.
Furthermore, these students will be given a user name and password that can be used to enter data on-line. In addition to accessing the site, participants can also contact the State Polytechnic which is part of the SNMPN. #PolibatamFriends who meet the requirements, take advantage of this SNMPN pathway as soon as possible.